Know Your Enemy #9: Working-Class Conservatism, with Max Alvarez

Know Your Enemy #9: Working-Class Conservatism, with Max Alvarez

Matt and Sam talk to Max Alvarez—writer, editor, and host of the podcast Working People—about growing up working-class and conservative in a mixed-race household.

Trump with a coal miner in 2017 (Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty Images)

Know Your Enemy is a new podcast about the American right co-hosted by Matthew Sitman and Sam Adler-Bell. Read more about it here. You can subscribe, rate, and review to the show on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher, and receive bonus content by supporting the podcast on Patreon.

Matt and Sam talk to Max Alvarez—writer, editor, and host of Working People, an excellent podcast (support his Patreon here)—about growing up working-class and conservative in a mixed-race household.

Matt and Max compare experiences as we try to answer some basic but tough questions: What attracts some members of the working class to conservative politics? How do the cultural and economic aspects of conservatism interact for working-class conservatives? And what can the left learn from working-class conservatism’s appeal?

Further Reading: