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Dissent Summer 2018 Front Cover Dissent Fall 2018 Matthew Desmond – Dissent Fall 2018 Homes for All - Dissent Fall 2018 Dissent Summer 2018 back cover

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The special section of Dissent’s Fall issue, The Right to a Home, is edited by historian Thomas Sugrue, author of Origins of the Urban Crisis, and by Dissent senior editor Colin Kinniburgh. It features:

  • Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on how the real-estate industry segregated America
  • Rachel Cohen the Fair Housing Act of 1968 at 50
  • Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Marnie Brady, and Jake Carlson on creative, grassroots models for social housing
  • Victor Chen on why some millennials are stuck living at home (hint: it has nothing to do with avocado toast)
  • Kate Aronoff on a rent strike in Brooklyn
  • And an interview with Evicted author Matthew Desmond

Outside of the special section, you’ll find: Sarah Jones on Chapo Trap House, Jon Shelton on how Foxconn conned Wisconsin, Julie Greene on the condition of the working class in Shenzhen, book reviews from Sarah Leonard, Adam Tooze, Susie Linfield, and Sheri Berman, and much more.

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