‘Twas A Famous Victory – But Who Won What?

‘Twas A Famous Victory – But Who Won What?

Well, the nation has saved itself from the disgrace of Goldwaterism. Mostly, it seems, because the fear of atomic war proved to be decisive: it’s one thing to rant and rumble about getting tough with the Commies, quite another to put a man in the White House who might act out his fantasy. Complain as you like about the American electorate: charge it with complacence, selfishness, ignorance and backlash. But at least it cannot be accused of wanting to blow up the world. And in an era of sparse blessings, that is something for which to be grateful.

To suppose, however, that the Goldwater impulse is exhausted, or that its spokesmen will simply be swept out of the Republican Party by an aroused Eastern establishment, seems a mis...