Why Vote for Johnson?

Why Vote for Johnson?

The Goldwater nomination marks a new departure in American politics. For the first time, a Presidential candidate lends focus to the conservative and reactionary forces in both parties. Goldwater is basically the candidate of the well-connected bureaucrat of the Mitchell Newburgh type—a type that defends the interests of the small and medium-sized businessmen and of corporate executives on the make. Southern white citizens councils and the  nouveau riche who owe their wealth principally to tax and regulatory policies and defense contracts readily identify with this type. Together, they form Goldwater’s narrow if tightly organized power base.

However, while Goldwater is their candidate, he cannot be their President. Once in the White House, he would be compelled to broaden his base. His upstate regulars, Southern Democrats, and reactionary Democratic machines—such as the one in his home state—will not suffice for him to govern. He would need the support of at leas...