Modern Africa: The Pains Of Birth

Modern Africa: The Pains Of Birth

Colonialism in its classic form is dead, but the spirit lingers on in the policies and presuppositions of the ex-colonial powers, and infects, also, the American consciousness. Lupine journalists, catching the scent of our malaise, and pets of the liberal-conservative establishment, from Time to The Reporter, are remarkably quick to condemn what they do not understand; they laugh at the wrong times at the paroxysms of nations in birth, and assume an insufferable and unjustified air which can easily be interpreted as “white” superiority. Too often, even radical Americans, innocent of specific knowledge of events in the ex-colonial territories, think in cliches, and join the chorus of disapproval. They turn abstract principles, which are always double-edged, to the analysis of the “emerging” peoples. But what these people need, and deserve, from us are humane insight, fraternal sympathy, and concrete historical perceptions. We neglect such und...