Shaping India’s Future

Shaping India’s Future

BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST, by Kusum Nair. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1961, 201 pages.

In Western countries, the phrase, “revolution of rising expectations” has suddenly become very popular in regard to newly emerging countries in Africa and Asia. It is good that people who are eager to help be aware of the needs of these nations. But there is a danger that those who desire to assume the responsibility of giving life and reality to the so-called revolutionary “expectations” may overlook or simplify certain problems. In their zeal they may not consider the fact that this “revolution” may be limited to a few intellectuals and leaders.

The danger is certainly strong in regard to India. The ethnic and social diversity of the country makes it almost certain that development projects useful in one region will be undesirable in the others. Even within a single region, the people’s attitude to work and life, influenced by traditio...