A Program Modestly Proposed

A Program Modestly Proposed

MANY of us have been quite concerned about the financial status of college teachers, and the fact that non-academic commissions have been formed to investigate conditions and that citizens committees have been busily examining data with the apparent intention of reaching a conclusion on the subject is welcome evidence that the nation as a whole is beginning to share our concern.

It is time, I think, that we give serious consideration to a plan that is completely in keeping with our institutions and the spirit of our traditions. I have formulated a program which deserves the support of all fair minded, patriotic citizen. Briefly, it is this: each teacher should be encouraged to sell ten per cent of his class time to advertisers.

This plan would enable the average college teacher to insert a one minute commercial message after opening the class, proceed with the regular work for twenty minutes or so before breaking in with a three minute commercial, and then to continue until the bell is about to ring when he can offer another one minute reminder before giving the next assignment. Sponsors should be willing to pay substantial amounts to the teacher for these excellent advertising spots, and this augmentation shoul...