Sibley At Stanford

Sibley At Stanford

Down on the farm, as Stanford University’s campus is sometimes called, an atmosphere of the leisurely past is carefully cultivated. The campus itself, sprawling across acres of precious Peninsula real estate, seems to argue for days gone by when a university was a community of scholars and not one word was heard of strange “naval science” courses entitled, “Supply Ashore, I,” “Supply Afloat, II.” But Stanford, although wavering between its Ivy League pretensions and its attraction to the myth of the Golden West, has decided to plant both feet squarely in our hurried nuclear present. The Farm’s gracious acres may soon rest over a two-mile tunnel housing a large electron accelerator.

On the eve of this year’s Academic Freedom Week President J. F. Wallace Sterling provided additional evidence that Stanford is hurrying to catch up with tomorrow. Sterling announced that Stanford would not offer a permanent appointment to Mulford Q. Sibley, Visiting Professor from the University of Minnesota.

The basic issues in the Sibley controversy are not blurred by the uncertainties which curse most such cases. Many students at Minnesota regard Sibley as far and away the best ...