Announcing Our New Editorial Board Member: Julia Ott

Announcing Our New Editorial Board Member: Julia Ott

Please join us in welcoming Julia Ott, a leading historian of capitalism, to Dissent’s editorial board!

Please join us in welcoming Julia Ott to Dissent’s editorial board! We’re thrilled to be adding Julia to the masthead. Read her recent Dissent article, How Tax Policy Created the 1%, and listen to her discuss it at the launch of our recent issue on Capitalism Today. Julia wisely eschews Twitter, but we’ll be happy to pass on your words of welcome — tag us @DissentMag! —The Editors

Julia Ott / New SchoolJulia Ott is Associate Professor in the History of Capitalism and the co-director of the Robert L. Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies at the New School. She is the author of When Wall Street Met Main Street: The Quest for an Investors’ Democracy (Harvard University Press, 2011) and a contributor to outlets including Public BooksThe Nation, and Public Seminar as well as Dissent.

Ott co-edits Columbia Studies in the History of U.S. Capitalism for Columbia University Press and serves as Senior Editor for Public Seminar. She also serves as member of Scholar’s Committee for the New York at its Core exhibit at the City Museum of New York and a Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians.

You can find more of Julia Ott’s work at her New School page.