Belabored Podcast #121: Trading Our Rights Away? With Arthur Stamoulis and John Cavanagh

Belabored Podcast #121: Trading Our Rights Away? With Arthur Stamoulis and John Cavanagh

Will Trump’s renegotiated trade deals be any better for workers—in the United States and abroad—than the old ones?

Shipping containers ( / Flickr)

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Despite years of hearing that trade deals are simply a done deal, it appears the Trump administration is renegotiating several major agreements that had previously received bipartisan backing. But will the new deals be any better for workers—in the U.S. and abroad—than the old ones? We talk to Arthur Stamoulis, Executive Director of Citizens Trade Campaign and John Cavanagh, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Studies to find out. 

We also hear from the latest state to go no-rights-at-work, check in on the Momentive strike workers on their 100th day on the picket line, hear from the taxi workers who put the weight of a work stoppage behind protests against Trump’s Muslim ban, and update you on the situation with the confirmation of the wrecking crew cabinet. For Argh, we look at labor organizing for resistance, and the history of battles over the minimum wage.

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Upstate strike an early test of Trump’s economic agenda (Politico)

Tentative Agreement Reached At Momentive (CWA District 1)

Michelle: New York’s Immigrants Aren’t Done With Trump (The Nation)

Sarah: #DeleteUber is introducing a new generation to the horror of scabbing (Washington Post)

Gov. Eric Greitens signs Missouri right-to-work bill, but unions file referendum to overturn it (Kansas City Star)

Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary, Pence Breaks Tie (New York Times)

Labor Nominee Andrew Puzder Has Another Problem: Undocumented Help (Huffington Post)


Arthur Stamoulis, Executive Director of Citizens Trade Campaign

Labor & Nonprofit Groups Outline Priority NAFTA Changes (Citizens Trade Campaign)

John Cavanagh, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Studies

John Cavanagh: The Trade Debate Isn’t About the U.S. vs. the World, It’s Corporations vs. the Rest of Us (Institute for Policy Studies)

Michelle: Yes, Trump’s Against Free Trade. That Doesn’t Mean He’s For Good Job (The Nation)

A Left Vision for Trade (Dissent)

Argh, I Wish I’d Written That!

Sarah: Eileen Boris, The Decades of History Behind Arguments Made By President Trump’s Labor Secretary Pick (Time)

Michelle: Moshe Marvit & Leo Gertner, Where’s the Best Place to Resist Trump? At Work (Washington Post)