VIDEO: The Internet and Democracy, with Evgeny Morozov, Jillian York, and Deirdre Mulligan

VIDEO: The Internet and Democracy, with Evgeny Morozov, Jillian York, and Deirdre Mulligan

VIDEO: The Internet and Democracy, with Evgeny Morozov, Jillian York, and Deirdre Mulligan

Are the insurgencies spawned in the Arab Spring riding a wave borne by the internet, or are the new information technologies more likely to subvert those very movements? On November 17, Dissent co-hosted a discussion on these questions, featuring Evgeny Morozov, author of The Net Delusion, Jillian York, who writes and speaks regularly about free expression, politics, and the internet, with a focus on the Arab world, and moderated by Deirdre Mulligan, professor of law at the UC Berkeley School of Information and a faculty director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology. Watch it below.

The event was co-presented by ISSI’s Center for Research on Social Change and the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative.