EVENT: Unequally Free? The Social Limits of Liberty

EVENT: Unequally Free? The Social Limits of Liberty

EVENT: Unequally Free? The Social Limits of Liberty

On Tuesday, April 19, former Dissent co-editor Mitchell Cohen will host a roundtable discussion called ?Unequally Free? The Social Limits of Liberty,? co-sponsored by Dissent, the Institute for Public Knowledge, and Raison Publique. The discussion is part of the second of three seasons of Walls and Bridges, a program presented by Conseil de la Création Artistique, a cultural initiative by the French government, and the Villa Gillet, a Lyon-based cultural institute best known for its annual Forum on the Novel.

Tuesday?s panel asks, is each and every one of us able to exercise, to the same extent, the liberties that the law guarantees? Under which conditions can we hope to see this equality in freedom manifest? Calling for an examination of the stakes of racial and ethnic inequality, as well as disparate social circumstances, these questions will be tackled by Patrick Savidan, author of several books on equal opportunity and founder of the French Observatory of Inequalities; Fabienne Brugère, whose latest research regards the ethics of care; Alondra Nelson, whose study of the Black Panther Party?s health politics is forthcoming from the University of Minnesota Press; and Romain Huret, a historian of the contemporary United States, whose interests lie in discourses created by public institutions on poverty.

The roundtable will begin at 6:30 p.m. next Tuesday in New York, on the 7th floor of 20 Cooper Square. Visit the Walls and Bridges website for more info.

Below is a video of a conversation from the first season of Walls and Bridges on ?The End of Privacy.?