The Birther Bill Doesn’t Go Far Enough

The Birther Bill Doesn’t Go Far Enough

Michael Walzer: The Birth Certificate Bill Doesn’t Go Far Enough

The Arizona House of Representatives recently passed a bill requiring that any presidential candidate campaigning in Arizona have a birth certificate proving that he was born in the United States.

The Arizona Senate hasn?t yet considered the bill, and this is a good thing, since it obviously doesn?t provide us with sufficient protection against foreigners; it needs to be amended. As it is written, the bill would accept birth certificates from other states?states like Hawaii, which as we all know give birth certificates to people born in Kenya. The only right thing to do is to require that all candidates for president campaigning in Arizona have birth certificates from Arizona. And what about people voting for the president? The constitution is very lax here, but wouldn?t we all be safer if they, too, were required to prove that they were Arizona born?