The Glory That Is Normblog

The Glory That Is Normblog

Alan Johnson: The Glory That Is Normblog

One day in the early 1980s my university tutor Norman Geras pinned a newspaper headline to his office door. It read, “Labour Will Ban The Bomb: Foot” (the late Michael Foot was then the leader of the Labour Party). Underneath it, Norman pinned a comment, “That?ll be The Day: Geras.” Maybe this was his first “post”? It certainly hinted at why, when he retired and created Normblog, it would be one of the best democratic leftie blogs in the world.

Dissent readers who know of Norm?s writing for Dissent but have not checked out his blog have a treat in store. See this typically thoughtful response to Robert Paul Wolff?s essay on the future of socialism. Or read Norm?s birthday greeting to one of his many heroines, Emmylou Harris. You might take a look at the collection of posts on “the divine Jane.” But whatever you do, don?t miss the “Writer?s Choice” series, in which 252 authors (and counting) have written guest posts about a book that moved them in some special way (check out Arguing the World?s very own Adam LeBor on Alan Furst?s novelDark Star).