Belabored Podcast #46: What’s Left, with Adolph Reed

Belabored Podcast #46: What’s Left, with Adolph Reed

This week, Belabored talks to political scientist Adolph Reed about his recent article in Harper’s magazine, examining the broad prospects for today’s left, the need to focus on inequality, why the labor movement matters, and why Democrats relying on big money donors is like keeping a Komodo dragon in your bedroom. Plus: a strike in Vermont, a lawsuit at McDonald’s, a modest proposal for executive salaries, and more.

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University of Pennsylvania political scientist Adolph Reed created quite a stir with a recent article in Harper’s magazine that criticized the left for its over-attachment to the Democrats and electoral politics and its disconnection from the labor movement. His argument—that there has been a “narrowing of social vision” on the left—has touched off quite a few debates about where things are now.

On this week’s Belabored, Reed joins Sarah and Michelle to discuss his article, the need to focus on inequality, why the labor movement matters, and why Democrats relying on big money donors is like keeping a Komodo dragon in your bedroom.

We also touch on a strike in Vermont, a lawsuit at McDonald’s, a modest proposal for executive salaries, and a call for justice in retail scheduling. And in “Argh!” we look at gentrification in Brooklyn and colonialism in Ireland. 


Workers’ lawsuit against wage theft at McDonald’s

New York Settles With McDonald’s Restaurants In Wage Theft Investigation

Vermont bus drivers strike over dangerous conditions

Michelle: The Tyranny of the On-Call Schedule: Hourly Injustice in Retail Labor

Retail Action Project report on Just Hours campaign

Should university presidents’ salaries be tied to those of their janitors?

Conversation with Adolph Reed:

Adolph Reed, "Nothing Left," Harper’s 

Adolph Reed interview with Thomas Frank, Salon

Argh, I Wish I’d Written That!

Sarah: Molly Osberg, "Inside the Barista Class", The Awl

Michelle: Timothy Egan, "Paul Ryan’s Irish Amnesia", New York Times